The Moment Archive

The Moment is LFJ’s online editorial column, which contains articles and content to address what is happening in social justice education—and society—right now.
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Observing the 50th Anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s death

April 4, 2018, marked the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination. With this edition of The Moment, we invite you and your students to reflect on his life and legacy and make connections to the modern movements he inspired.

Remembering Linda Brown Thompson

Linda Brown Thompson passed away on March 25. This edition of The Moment is dedicated to her memory and her legacy as the child at the center of the landmark 1954 Supreme Court decision 'Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka.'

Learning to Balance Your Media Diet

The current media circus thrives on spectacle and loud debate, as evidenced by a lack of nuanced, civil discussion online. These materials from our Digital Literacy Framework can help students understand why many online communities are so divided—and how to look beyond that division to help create a more inclusive, and more civil, online world.

Prioritizing Self-Care

Make the most of your rare days off by relaxing with some recommended books, checking out a social justice film or making a self-care plan. Recharge now, so you can come back rejuvenated!

Tracking and Teaching the National Student Walkout

Thousands of students participated in the #Enough National School Walkout, sponsored by Women's March Youth EMPOWER. This edition of The Moment chronicles the walkout and other actions taken by student leaders, highlights a walkout-themed Learning Plan, and offers encouragement for bringing activism into the elementary classroom.

A map of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana and Mississippi with overlaid images of key state symbols and of people in community

Learning for Justice in the South

When it comes to investing in racial justice in education, we believe that the South is the best place to start. If you’re an educator, parent or caregiver, or community member living and working in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana or Mississippi, we’ll mail you a free introductory package of our resources when you join our community and subscribe to our magazine.

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