
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

61 Results


Nel Noddings

Nel Noddings is currently the Jacks Professor Emeriti of Child Education at Stanford University; she also holds the John W. Porter Chair in Urban Education at Eastern Michigan University. From 1949 to 1972, Noddings worked as an elementary and high school teacher and administrator in New Jersey public schools. During that time, she conducted research in mathematics education, though she later changed her focus to the broader realm of educational theory and philosophy. Noddings was deeply influenced by her own experience of being taught. In her writings, she has listed three categories of

Food Deserts: Causes, Consequences and Solutions

Increases in obesity and diet-related diseases are major health problems in the United States. During the last 20 years there has been a dramatic increase in the nation’s obesity rates, correlating with increased rates of cardiovascular disease, certain types of cancer, Type 2 diabetes, increased health-care costs, reduced quality of life and increased risk for premature death.
Grade Level
Social Studies
Science & Health
Social Justice Domain
October 17, 2011

Compassion, Action and Change

One recent November, a discussion about plants as a food source led Cowley's first-grade class to talk about hunger. The class decided to bake pies and cookies to deliver to a local church's Thanksgiving dinner for
July 27, 2017

Lost in Translation

This piece accompanies the Teaching Tolerance feature story " Lonely Language Learners?" Just after 8 o'clock on a rainy April morning, teacher Helen Reid greets three of her students, none of whom has been in the U.S
A map of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana and Mississippi with overlaid images of key state symbols and of people in community

Learning for Justice in the South

When it comes to investing in racial justice in education, we believe that the South is the best place to start. If you’re an educator, parent or caregiver, or community member living and working in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana or Mississippi, we’ll mail you a free introductory package of our resources when you join our community and subscribe to our magazine.

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