
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

337 Results


Toolkit for Picture Imperfect

Racial inequity, gender stereotypes and heternormity continue to dominate children’s books. This toolkit will help you assess your classroom library and make future selections that reflect a range of cultures, genders, immigration and socio-economic statuses, sexual orientations and family structures.

Woman Warrior

Brittany Iron competes in the Crow Nation’s Ultimate Warrior Challenge. The Challenge spurs her to master canoeing, running, and riding. The race teaches the Native values of commitment and perseverance. To participate, she has to commit to abstain from drugs and alcohol. The Crow are reimagining what it means to be a warrior. They are now drawing on traditional rituals to combat the effects of centuries of stigma and trauma, and to rebuild the tribe’s sense of pride and purpose.
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain
June 18, 2019
A map of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana and Mississippi with overlaid images of key state symbols and of people in community

Learning for Justice in the South

When it comes to investing in racial justice in education, we believe that the South is the best place to start. If you’re an educator, parent or caregiver, or community member living and working in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana or Mississippi, we’ll mail you a free introductory package of our resources when you join our community and subscribe to our magazine.

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